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Invigors Services


Cybersecurity is a monumental challenge for equipment leasing and finance companies regardless of size.

We support you in having your risks covered by identifying the main threats to your business, designing and coordinating the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures in line with your risk profile. 

We will also verify that you comply with the relevant applicable regulations and standards. Our approach lets you lead by example in becoming a role model for cybersecurity in your industry.

You will reap the returns of your efforts by leveraging internal solutions and best practices to develop value-added services based on cybersecurity requirements for additional revenue generation and profitability.

Key areas to explore often include:

  • Governance, Risk & Compliance
  • ISO27000 Standards & Certification
  • Awareness & Training Curriculum
  • Asset Management, Classification & Protection
  • Identity & Access Management
  • Cloud Security
  • Data Leakage Protection
  • Incident Management Process
  • Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity
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