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Gerhard Mybes

Gerhard Mybes is a seasoned advisor in hard asset finance who has led business units and captives and has been active in the leasing world for over 30 years. 

From 1998 till 2010 he held general manager, managing director and board member positions at financing companies such as John Deere Credit and CNH Capital in the area of sales financing for end customers as well as inventory financing for trading houses of globally represented market-leading manufacturers in Germany and Europe.

Until 2017, he served as Vice President Agriculture Int. at one of the leading German leasing companies implementing the agriculture financing business into the Group.

Since 2017, Gerhard Mybes has provided advisory services internationally as an independent consultant in the field of Equipment Finance.

Gerhard has a degree in business administration from the Technical University of Berlin. 

In his spare time, he enjoys photography, playing golf in moderation, and is always happy to spend time with his family and grandchildren.

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